1. The Meaning Of Creativity
Creativity is capability of human being to think in a creative manner, reasonable, flexibility and going to direction to solve the problem with the best answer.
The most interesting of this concept of creativity is in order to increasing humans' creativity :
1. Openness and more sensitive of outside stimulating.
2. Proclivity Which is extent and has variation.
3. The Children can be stand alone and were not strings on circle limitations.
4. Has bravery to try all of the matters.
5. Has bravery to present their ideas.
2. Types Of Learning And Activities
Community Language Learning (CLL) combines innovative learning tasks and activities with conventional ones. The include :
a. Translation. Learners form a small circle. A learner whisper a message or meaning he or
she wants to express the teacher translates it into (and may interpret it in) the target
language, and learner repeats the teacher translation.
b. Group work. Learners may engage in various group tasks, such as small group discussion
of a topic, preparing story that will be presented to he teacher and the rest of the class.
c. Recording. Students record conversations in the target language.
d. Transcription. Students transcribe utterances and conversation they have recorded to
practice and analysis to language forms.
e. Analysis. Students analyses and study transcription of target language sentences in order
to focus on particular lexical usage or on the application of particular grammar rules.
f. Reflection and Observation. Learners reflect and report on their experience of the class
or in groups. This usually consists of expression of feeling sense of one another, reaction
to silence, concern for something to say, etc.
g. Listening. Student listen to a monologue by teacher in evolving elements they night have
elicited or over heard in class interaction.
h. Free Conversation. Student engaged in free conversation with the teacher or with other
learners. This might include discussion if what they learned as feelings they had about
how they learned.
3. Creative Learning in The School
The best education of children creativity's is in the school. So we can use many ways
to increase children creativity's, like using English in class.
The teacher can make a in his class to know the children level of studies. If the teacher
uses English most of the time, it will give students practice in listening and responding to spoken
English to say real language which is used for communication.
a. Social Language
Instead of going straight to the textbook at the beginning of lesson, the teacher can
spend a few minutes 'chatting' to class about topics of interest. After the very earliest stages,
this can be done in English.
b. Organizing' Language
1. Teacher have to say many things simply to organize the lesson starting to stopping an activity,
getting students to do or not to do things, etc. Much of this language consists of simple
commands and instructions, which are repeated lesson after lesson, so if the teacher says
them in English students will quickly learn what they mean.
2. Give each teacher a list with these organizing expressions translated into their own language.
For example :
a. Who would like to clean the blackboard ?
b. Could you close the window, please ?
c. Do not call out the answer. Wait till Islam ask you.
d. Now, pay attention, everybody.
3. Go through the answer together. there are of course several similar expressions in each case,
accept any that convey the right meaning, . g:
a. Would anyone like to clean the blackboard ?
b. Who will clean the blackboard ?
c. Would someone clean the blackboard, please ? Etc.
Discuss what gestures might be useful in helping students to understand the expression.
c. Explanations
Giving simple Explanations
Most of language we need for organizing the class consists of simple expressions which can
be used again and again, this provides an easy opportunity to use English. However, teacher do
not only need to give simple commands and instruction to the class. Often they need to use
more complex language, for example when explaining a new word or grammar point, or
explaining how an activity works. If the teacher can give these explanations in English it will
provide very useful listening practice for the class, but of course the explanations must be as
simple and clear as possible, so that the students understand.
Show how this can be done by giving two short demonstrations
Demonstration one
i). Explain how to mend a bicycle tyre. Read out the explanation bellow peaking in such a away
that teachers will not easily understand (use no gestures or drawings, and speak quickly without
repeating anything). If you have a flat tyre on your bicycle, the firs thing you need to do is to
find out whereabouts the puncture is. So you turn the bicycle upside down and remove the
inner tube whit a pair of tyre levers. Then you take a bucket of water, pump up the inner tube
slightly, and dip it into the water. You should see smell bubbles coming out from the puncture.
You can then mark the spot where the puncture is by making a small cross with a piece of
chalk, after first drying the inner tube.
ii). After The Demonstration, ask teacher how well they understood. They will probably only
have a very general idea of what you were saying.
Demonstration two
i). Explain the process again, but this time doing everything possible to help the teacher
You have bicycle, but the tyre is flat (gesture with hands, making a 'bissing' noise)..... You
have puncture. A puncture (give translation). So ....... You must mend it. But firs you need to
know: where is the puncture? Where is the puncture? Where is the hole? So what do you do?
First turn the bicycle upside down (gesture, or draw on the board)....... (and so on).
ii). After the demonstration, ask teacher how well they understood. if you have been successful,
they should have understood everything. Discuss the techniques you used to make the
explanation easier to understand.
4. Creative Learning with Guessing Games
Guessing games is one of may that making the children increasing their creativity. This
is the way to show the guessing games to the children :
a. Demonstration a guessing game using a picture.
b. Discuss the activity that showed the picture.
c. Hidings the picture, gives the students a genuine reason to ask question : there is information
they need to find out. They also have to listen carefully to the answers, so that can draw the
By this way, the children will have many ideas who understand, look for answer what is the picture
activities and what is the continuity with the activities of the picture, so they can drawing the
conclusion, what is the picture about.
she wants to express the teacher translates it into (and may interpret it in) the target
language, and learner repeats the teacher translation.
b. Group work. Learners may engage in various group tasks, such as small group discussion
of a topic, preparing story that will be presented to he teacher and the rest of the class.
c. Recording. Students record conversations in the target language.
d. Transcription. Students transcribe utterances and conversation they have recorded to
practice and analysis to language forms.
e. Analysis. Students analyses and study transcription of target language sentences in order
to focus on particular lexical usage or on the application of particular grammar rules.
f. Reflection and Observation. Learners reflect and report on their experience of the class
or in groups. This usually consists of expression of feeling sense of one another, reaction
to silence, concern for something to say, etc.
g. Listening. Student listen to a monologue by teacher in evolving elements they night have
elicited or over heard in class interaction.
h. Free Conversation. Student engaged in free conversation with the teacher or with other
learners. This might include discussion if what they learned as feelings they had about
how they learned.
3. Creative Learning in The School
The best education of children creativity's is in the school. So we can use many ways
to increase children creativity's, like using English in class.
The teacher can make a in his class to know the children level of studies. If the teacher
uses English most of the time, it will give students practice in listening and responding to spoken
English to say real language which is used for communication.
a. Social Language
Instead of going straight to the textbook at the beginning of lesson, the teacher can
spend a few minutes 'chatting' to class about topics of interest. After the very earliest stages,
this can be done in English.
b. Organizing' Language
1. Teacher have to say many things simply to organize the lesson starting to stopping an activity,
getting students to do or not to do things, etc. Much of this language consists of simple
commands and instructions, which are repeated lesson after lesson, so if the teacher says
them in English students will quickly learn what they mean.
2. Give each teacher a list with these organizing expressions translated into their own language.
For example :
a. Who would like to clean the blackboard ?
b. Could you close the window, please ?
c. Do not call out the answer. Wait till Islam ask you.
d. Now, pay attention, everybody.
3. Go through the answer together. there are of course several similar expressions in each case,
accept any that convey the right meaning, . g:
a. Would anyone like to clean the blackboard ?
b. Who will clean the blackboard ?
c. Would someone clean the blackboard, please ? Etc.
Discuss what gestures might be useful in helping students to understand the expression.
c. Explanations
Giving simple Explanations
Most of language we need for organizing the class consists of simple expressions which can
be used again and again, this provides an easy opportunity to use English. However, teacher do
not only need to give simple commands and instruction to the class. Often they need to use
more complex language, for example when explaining a new word or grammar point, or
explaining how an activity works. If the teacher can give these explanations in English it will
provide very useful listening practice for the class, but of course the explanations must be as
simple and clear as possible, so that the students understand.
Show how this can be done by giving two short demonstrations
Demonstration one
i). Explain how to mend a bicycle tyre. Read out the explanation bellow peaking in such a away
that teachers will not easily understand (use no gestures or drawings, and speak quickly without
repeating anything). If you have a flat tyre on your bicycle, the firs thing you need to do is to
find out whereabouts the puncture is. So you turn the bicycle upside down and remove the
inner tube whit a pair of tyre levers. Then you take a bucket of water, pump up the inner tube
slightly, and dip it into the water. You should see smell bubbles coming out from the puncture.
You can then mark the spot where the puncture is by making a small cross with a piece of
chalk, after first drying the inner tube.
ii). After The Demonstration, ask teacher how well they understood. They will probably only
have a very general idea of what you were saying.
Demonstration two
i). Explain the process again, but this time doing everything possible to help the teacher
You have bicycle, but the tyre is flat (gesture with hands, making a 'bissing' noise)..... You
have puncture. A puncture (give translation). So ....... You must mend it. But firs you need to
know: where is the puncture? Where is the puncture? Where is the hole? So what do you do?
First turn the bicycle upside down (gesture, or draw on the board)....... (and so on).
ii). After the demonstration, ask teacher how well they understood. if you have been successful,
they should have understood everything. Discuss the techniques you used to make the
explanation easier to understand.
4. Creative Learning with Guessing Games
Guessing games is one of may that making the children increasing their creativity. This
is the way to show the guessing games to the children :
a. Demonstration a guessing game using a picture.
b. Discuss the activity that showed the picture.
c. Hidings the picture, gives the students a genuine reason to ask question : there is information
they need to find out. They also have to listen carefully to the answers, so that can draw the
By this way, the children will have many ideas who understand, look for answer what is the picture
activities and what is the continuity with the activities of the picture, so they can drawing the
conclusion, what is the picture about.